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Tuesday, August 11, 2015


NIU Study Abroad

Hello Readers!

Northern Illinois University Study Abroad Office is excited to present our new blog! Each semester there are several NIU study abroad students that are chosen to blog about their study abroad experience. Our students blog about their personal experiences while they immerse into foreign cultures while studying at their international host university.

Students that are interested in studying abroad will benefit from reading the blogs to learn about the cultural and learning exchange that is involved in a study abroad program. The blogs are a personal reflection of what it is like to study abroad where everything is new and exciting! Many students will discuss their personal reasons for choosing the program that they are enrolled in, and what kind of research they did to support their choices.

We enthusiastically encourage all to comment on our students’ blogs, as this is an engaging way to learn about the study abroad experience! For more information visit our NIU Study Abroad Website and to stay posted on upcoming events on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram!

NIU Study Abroad Videos

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