Welcome back Huskies! We hope that your first few weeks of school are off to a great start, and that you enjoyed your three day weekend! Wouldn't it be nice if every weekend could be three days long?!
The SAO is looking forward to the 2017-2018 academic year, and we are really excited about our new student bloggers. These students will be Official Student Representatives for our Huskies Abroad: Student Blog. Every semester there will be several students blogging about their study abroad
experience. Their blogs are personal reflections of what it is like to study
abroad where everything is new and exciting. As students who will be in another country for a whole semester, we know they will be able to provide so many great stories about their experiences!
Check out these new student bloggers pages!
Daria is studying abroad in Rome, Italy!
Camille is studying abroad in Heredia, Costa Rica!
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